Learn to Light

Today we’re introducing the second instalment of our Learn to Light initiative – an educational resource that teaches children about light through enjoyable activities.

Guided by Nulty’s inquisitive owl (who’s had a hoot coming up with three new topics), children are introduced to scientific vocabulary associated with light and encouraged to think about the role of light in daily life.

As with the first instalment (find it here), the second includes three worksheets – Light and Dark, Light Waves and Vision – that allow grownups to use a light source and household items to carry out imaginative activities with children. These include making a dark box to demonstrate how light lets us see things, using a glass of water to create an optical illusion and constructing a pinhole viewer to understand vision.

Designed for children aged between four and seven, the downloadable two-page worksheets have a small introduction to the topic, a play-based experiment, fun facts, games and questions.

CLICK HERE to download all three worksheets.

To download the worksheets individually, click on an image below.

1: Light and Dark Have fun experimenting with light and dark by creating a dark box.

Learn To Light STEM Learning Sheets Light And Dark Childrens Educational Resource Nulty

2: Light Waves Find out how light travels and interacts with different materials by creating your own optical illusion.

Learn To Light STEM Learning Sheets Light Waves Childrens Educational Resource Nulty

3: Vision Learn all about the relationship between light and vision by creating a pinhole viewer (that can easily be turned into a camera!).

Learn To Light STEM Learning Sheets Vision Childrens Educational Resource Nulty

The Learn to Light worksheets are also available in Thai – find them here.

DISCLAIMER: parents or guardians take responsibility for the success and safety of all tasks and activities on the Learn to Light worksheets.

Blog post updated 18.01.2021